Welcome to my Atelier
Hi, I am José Bellonez y I would like to tell you a story.
My story..
Ya desde muy pequeño me encantaba jugar con los retales y botones del taller de mi madre y guardaba todas esas sobras en una caja cómo si fuesen mi tesoro. Poco a poco a descubrí lo maravilloso que es el diseño y costura. Empecé hacer monederos con todos esos restos de tejidos que regalaba a mis amigos y en poco tiempo estaba cosiendo vestidos a mi hermana y mis sobrinas, las «Top Models» de mi casa.
I learned by watching my mother, sewing and undoing, some things better and others worse, but my tenacity and the best teacher I had made me love and respect this profession.
But life had a plan B for me, I ended up studying nursing and forgot what I really wanted. I would like to meet again a patient with whom I gained confidence and thank him. During his admission he opened my eyes and reminded me of what life is, what it is to fight for your dreams and how fast life goes by. Soon after I went to London to train as a fashion designer. Today I run my own atelier.
I bring you an avant-garde fashion concept, combining glamor and simplicity. Timeless garments that transcend eras. Those clothes that you have in your closet and you are looking forward to finding an occasion to wear them. Bellonez is not fast fashion, I do not produce designs under any current trend that will disappear in the coming months.
Intento capturar el espíritu de la mujer de hoy, con una mirada puesta en el futuro de nuestro planeta y con una clara inspiración del pasado. Estamos bajo la misma filosofía de sostenibilidad y estamos de acuerdo en que queremos un planeta mejor. Estamos hartos de comprar cosas de baja calidad a unos precios tan bajos que hacen sospechar.
I don't follow trends, I don't do ephemeral seasonal collections, I don't do Black Friday or sales. And it is that what is beautiful, is ALWAYS beautiful.
My clothes motivate you to combine and stimulate your creativity every day, I don't do throwaway fashion.
Made in Spain
We make with craft techniques and Haute Couture in Spanish workshops.
I personally choose the high quality fabrics and trimmings. I do not produce large masses and I do not promote uncontrolled consumption.
I closely monitor every detail and finish so that it reaches your hands perfectly. I am very excited to prepare the orders for you.
You already know a little about me, now it's your turn. I open the doors of my Atelier for you to come in and make yourself comfortable. Enjoy the collection. Enjoy my passion.
I really am looking forward to meet you.
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